Weight Loss Blog

Tips, insights, resources and more


Summer is approaching fast. Here are 3 tips to help you lose weight!


Causes of Being Weight Gain and Obesity?

People become overweight or obese from eating more calories than they burn up. Some things that may lead to this imbalance include…


Overweight is the state of carrying excess fat and causes you to weight more than the typical weight range given your age, sex, and height. why am I overweight Overeating is not the only reason someone…


What is the border line between weight and obesity? Weight that is higher than what is considered as a healthy weight for a given height is described as overweight or obese. Body Mass Index, or…


Does weight loss matter? It doesn’t matter what kind of diet you choose, all weight loss programs reduce your caloric intake so that your body burns fat for…


Height and Weight Chart


There are a variety of biochemical and mechanical changes that take place when you lose weight, leading to improvements in your health. According to weight control network, these are some of the health benefits of losing…


What are appetite suppressants? Appetite suppressants cause patients to feel less hungry by increasing brain chemicals that affect both mood and appetite. They are drugs that work on the brain to trick it into thinking that it is not hungry. …